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COMMERCIAL FENCINGWE ARE WESTERN CANADA’S BEST KNOWN COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL FENCING SUPPLIER.From industrial chain link to safety fencing, we have designed and installed some of western Canada's top commercial, industrial, and institutional fencing projects.. Nordic Fencing is a family-owned company in Western Canada. We are one of the largest fencing manufacturers in western Canada and have been serving our customers for over 45 years. Our efficient production, diverse range of products, large supply of stock, and reputation is what puts us ahead of our competition. LEARN MORE |
OUTDOOR INSPIRATIONNORDIC FENCING WORKS WITH TOP SUPPLIERS TO BRING ONLY THE BEST PRODUCTS TO OUR CLIENTS.Whether you need durable and low-maintenance fencing for home or business or a beautiful show stopper for a backyard oasis, we always have the top fencing options available. Â RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS |
WESTERN CANADA'S FENCE SPECIALISTS FOR OVER 45 YEARSNORDIC FENCING IS WESTERN CANADA’S PREMIER EXPERT IN FENCING FOR RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, AND INDUSTRIAL FENCING.Whether you are putting up a fence on your own, or you want our experienced team to do it for you, we work to find custom solutions to fit your needs. Our suppliers carry top-quality fence options, whether you want classic wood fencing, one of our chain link fence options, long-lasting, low-maintenance vinyl, or any of our specialty, decorative fencing. You will find our builders and installers to be efficient, friendly and professional, and always willing to provide great advice on how to maximize your outdoor space or ensure top security for your business. ABOUT US |
07/31/2024 Two Reasons Why Chain Link Fencing is Preferable Two Reasons Why Chain Link Fencing is Preferable forÂ
Commercial & Industrial Properties
What makes a chain
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02/01/2024 Pros and Cons of Chain-Link Fencing Pros and Cons of Chain-Link Fencing
A chain-link fence is an affordable and effective fencing solution, but it’s